Thursday, June 27

Long distance phone calls

Anyone who's been in a long term, long distance relationship will understand the brain-bashing frustration of trying to snatch a quick 10 minute phone call between commitments, static and data limitations. 

Stealing a few precious moments 

Skype was created (or at least recently acquired) by an evil demon lord intent on sucking all the joy out of communicating with loved ones. Soon it will be renamed 'Skype One' and we'll have to pay to swap phone numbers, and have our facial movements tracked during video calls for advertising purposes.

When you live apart for 6 months, and only spend 2 weeks in each other's physical company, you learn to appreciate every opportunity to share, whether it's a touch, a joke or a kiss. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn how much every moment matters, and how important it is not to take a single one for granted.

The past 6 months has been a true test of our patience and the depth of our love for one another.  In 11 days it's finally over, and we're back where we belong - together.

Anyway, I think that serves as enough of an introduction to this, it's called 'Long distance phone calls' and I wrote it after trying to speak to Larry for a few minutes before he had to leave for work, while I was on my lunch break standing outside the building praying for an extra bar of 3G signal. I will never take for granted the simple pleasure of sharing moments, stealing time.

Long distance phone calls

Static on a quiet line,
Stealing a little time.
If I could just...
If you could just...

Through the hiss and crackle,
A ghost of your voice
Is cut silent too soon.

The thrill of connection
Takes us somewhere
Beyond the distance between here and there.

For one moment, I give you my sleep,
For a breath on the line, you sacrifice your rest.
We move slowly through painful days,
Counting down the seconds.