Thursday, February 14

A Valentine's gift for Larry - the love song poem

This Valentines Day is the first one since Larry and I got together, and it's being spent on opposite sides of the world, so I wanted to do something special for the man who made me realise that today is about more than 'flowers and heart-shaped boxes'.

Here is my Valentines gift to you. I took all the best love songs I have ever heard, and turned their best lines into a poem. 

The idea of a 'best' line of a 'best' song is of course subjective, and  one man's Etta James is another man's Bon Jovi, so forgive me if you inwardly sigh at some of my choices. I'm sure there are a few black sheep chewing on your secret romantic playlist.

Larry, let's always be friends. Let's always be best friends.

The Love Song Poem

I was heavy like a loaded gun, 
Looking for someone to complete me.
You said ‘it's down to you, dear’, 
Now everything has changed.

Who can explain it, who can tell you why
We kissed like we invented it, 
The world warm and clear and bright.
I fell into your open arms, I didn't stand a chance.

You’re the best thing I never knew I needed,
The one true thing I know I can believe in.
The hope that keeps me trusting, 
 I never said thank you for that.

I love it when you read to me, I need to hear you.
I love it when you sing to me, I’m happy that you do.
The way your smile just beams, the way you sing off key,
Foolish though it may seem, to me that’s everything.

The part of you that lives in me makes me weak
Shakes me, makes me lighter, knocks me off my feet.
You give me rest, you set my spirit free,
Thank you for loving me.

You are the best one of the best ones,
My accidental happily ever after, 
You know me as deep as the sea goes,
When I’m pulled away from you I fall apart. 

In this world of underrated treasures,
You should be the one I’ll always love.
With you right here next to me,
As constant as a Northern star,
It’s crystal clear I’m where I’m meant to go.

© Charlotte Louise Brown, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Charlotte Louise Brown and Transatlantic Love, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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